Tuesday, December 7, 2010

So let’s watch the movie?

Last Sunday when we visited the village of Yanranai to hold the youth service we were planning to watch a movie. It was on our agenda for the last two or three weeks, but plans have been changing as they often are here. Last two Sundays we’ve been celebrating other people’s birthdays. We were promising to show this movie to the youth, so this time we thought we’ll show it. So we thought. As many people gathered around the big screen, we couldn’t quite get it started. We had a couple guests with us and so they shared a little about their life and how they came to know Christ. Fedya, one young man who made a lot of progress this summer getting closer to God couldn’t make the next step. As Andrey, our guests was sharing about his life and how he came from somewhat a similar background, Fedya was asking him a lot of questions and was sharing how he stumbled and fell many times and tried to make the next step – repent but was trying to “get ready” for it. Then Andrey asked him, “what prevents you from doing that today?” “Nothing,” he replied and we knelt down with him and prayed. He sobbed and prayed shakingly. Last Sunday we celebrated his birthday, this Sunday we celebrated his Second birthday and the movie was postponed, again, but no one seemed to be dissapointed by that. Praise God for His timing for each sould and the people that He puts in their path to bring them into His Kingdom.

First Snowmobile Ride

I was very excited for my first trip on the snowmobile to the village of Chaun. I’ve heard many stories of these extreme trips and was excited and anxious about my first trip. After a couple days of preparing and trying out the warm native clothes, the trip was postponed. The morning of our departure a strong wind picked up which lasted a couple days. When we finally went next week, it was sunny and promising warm temperatures, only – 15C or so. We took one snowmobile, the second one is in need of some repair. I was riding in the Narta, the plastic trailer box hooked up to the snowmobile. It didn’t seem bad at first, but after 30km or so, I thought I’m gonna loose my kidneys, the shaking and the bumps seemed very hard to bear. “This is just my first time and I probably have to get used to it” I thought. But when Slava pulled over and checked on me, I didn’t seem very well and he took me with him on the snowmobile. Pain has left and I could breathe normally again. We had a great two days of visits and fellowship in the village. For the road back, they prepared a more comfortable seat in the narta for me, since it’s better for just one person to ride on the snowmobile. As soon as we approached the first sharp turn, the narta dipped into a deep tracktor track and I fell off the trailer. Slava kept driving on, since he couldn’t hear me. I slowly got up and started walking on the trail, knowing that soon he’ll notice that I’m not there and turn aroud for me. Luckily it was still in the village and soon I was back on the narta.